Eaton Park, Norwich, Norfolk

22 for twenty two - in review

So it’s March of 2023 and I’ve been a little busy to say the least in my life. I am three months into my first solo trip and well I as too distracted by the incredible places I visited to want to sit down and update my site. Sorry about that. But here goes as I update what I did and well didn’t quite have time for in 2022.

1. Visit Kew Gardens – There’s still time – I didn’t make it, but its not going anywhere.

2. Learn how and where to find wild garlic in Norfolk – I’m really gutted I missed this as now I won’t be able to do this until 2024.

3. Launch a product in my online shop – Working on it – I wasn’t focused on this enough, life got in the way. But I’m definitely going to complete this in 2023.


4. Try paddle boarding – Yes! I did it and love it! Being short is such an advantage here, as I have a low centre of gravity, so my balance is pretty good. Even if I do say so myself.


5. Visit Bath – I had a lovely chilly day trip to Bath in early Spring. Shall definitely go back but maybe on a warmer day.


6. Get another tattoo and piercing – I’ve thought about this for a while and as I’m so indecisive it took a while to be happy with my design. Now to book it in. – In October I got my grandad’s handwriting tattooed on my upper arm.


7. Read a book I’ve never read before [This may seem like a really simple thing but I’m not a reader. Someone once said to me the reason people re-watch and re-read things is because it keeps their anxiety down. They already know what’s going to help so there’s no risk of panic or mystery. This baffled me to start with. Was that the real reason I’ve watched every single episode of Friends a million and one times. Or why, the Harry Potter collection, are the only fictional books I’ve read?] – The Thursday Murder Club books have been my read of the year, currently finishing off the second ready to go on the new one. Maybe I’ll try and finish that before I leave in December. – I failed to finish that book, but I did read Dolly Alderton’s book, Everything I know about Love. By the fist week in Jan ‘23 if that counts?


8. Simple thing of taking more photos – Definitely been taking more photos but the next step is to make use of them or even take more time in the moment capturing them. The editing side is still slow but I’ll get there. – I think I did!


9. Visit the Harry Potter Studio – It was amazing! I took my Mum and she throughly enjoyed herself too!


10. Get into a flow of swimming regularly – I flopped big time with this one. Once every few weeks I guess is better than never.


11. Learn a new skill – I don’t think so… – In my update I didn’t believe I had but even by then I had learnt how to pump on my longboard. I wouldn’t say I’m very good at the skill yet but it’s something new!

12. Begin earning an additional income – Not quite yet but I have things in mind and I’m working on some bits. – It’s a 2023 goal.

13. Take more day trips with others or even be myself like I once did before – Yes and No! I’ve had a few bits planned but failed due to rail strikes and illness but yes I have been out and about more with friends. – I left the UK and took myself backpacking so I’ll say yes!

14. Become confident in using my camera – I’ve been using it more but I wouldn’t say I was confident yet. – Turns out it’s my confidence I needed to up and not be so embarrassed using the auto settings. Everyone has to start somewhere right.

15. Spend a few days in Bristol – Bristol was wonderful. I had a great time and can’t wait to go back.


16. Have a better work life balance – being a waitress is great fun and I enjoy it but during those peak summer months my social life becomes non-existent. – I’d say I pulled it off! This summer was a very nice one, even when work was busy.


17. Meditate a little more and worry even less – I haven’t got the knack of meditation yet. I end up thinking about other stuff instead of clearing my mind. – I worry less for sure but I currently have no responsibilities, maybe that’s a factor for no stress.


18. Explore Rome and climb Mount. Vesuvius – Unfortunately not this year. Maybe I’ll have the funds to go late summer next year.


19. Attend a pottery class – I haven’t yet, but I may still have time to fit one in. – Did not manage this one but maybe I could get one booked in the summer.


20. Grow my own selection of vegetables on my balcony – Growing veg isn’t for me plus I moved house so I no longer have a balcony but they didn’t survive before the move anyway. Opps, maybe that’s a skill I’ll try to gain in the next few years.


21. Do something adventurous like the fastest zip-wire or go paragliding – I went paragliding in August on a short trip. I still can’t deal with boats but it won’t stop me, I’ll power through. Maybe the more boats I go on the better my sea sickness will get better.


22. Launch this website! – As you’re reading this you know I did it! WOOHOO!