River Wensum, Norwich

22 for twenty two

Last year I tried to make a list of twenty one things/places I want to visit or archive in 2021. Yet naive as I was adding international locations and bucket list stuff thinking the world may open once more, I flopped at ticking things off. In some ways I guess the world did become more accessible but not enough for me to check off many items on my list. So as we end the first month of 2022, I thought maybe I should reevaluate my list and make it a little more achievable to complete before December 31st. 

1. Visit Kew Gardens

2. Learn how and where to find wild garlic in Norfolk

3. Launch a product in my online shop


4. Try paddle boarding


5. Visit Bath


6. Get another tattoo and piercing


7. Read a book I’ve never read before [This may seem like a really simple thing but I’m not a reader. Someone once said to me the reason people re-watch and re-read things is because it keeps their anxiety down. They already know what’s going to help so there’s no risk of panic or mystery. This baffled me to start with. Was that the real reason I’ve watched every single episode of Friends a million and one times. Or why, the Harry Potter collection, are the only fictional books I’ve read?]


8. Simple thing of taking more photos


9. Visit the Harry Potter Studios 


10. Get into a flow of swimming regularly


11. Learn a new skill

12. Begin earning an additional income

13. Take more day trips with others or even be myself like I once did before

14. Become confident in using my camera 

15. Spend a few days in Bristol


16. Have a better work life balance – being a waitress is great fun and I enjoy it but during those peak summer months my social life becomes non-existent.


17. Meditate a little more and worry even less


18. Explore Rome and climb mount Vesuvius


19. Attend a pottery class


20. Grow my own selection of vegetables on my balcony


21. Do something adventurous like the fastest zip-wire or go paragliding


22. Launch this website!